Even when pilot and Air Unlimited Co-Founder Mark Neubauer isn’t flying, he’s still thinking about flying, almost 99 percent of the time. Aviation is a huge part of his life and has been since he was a child. Mark inherited his love of aviation from his father, who was a Colonel and Squadron Commander in the US Air Force.
Now a Principal Co-Founder and the Director of Operations at Air Unlimited, Mark was already largely familiar with the gorgeous Abaco Islands before he joined forces with the Gregg family to start Air Unlimited. Over the past decade, many of his legacy clients had introduced him to the islands, and it didn’t take long for him to fall in love with the scenic area and relaxed atmosphere of Marsh Harbour. Some of his most memorable family vacations have been hosted in beautiful Hope Town on Elbow Cay, where these family memories inspired him to invest in a home on the island. After only a 90-minute flight to Marsh Harbour Island from Sanford, FL, a short ferry ride across the Sea of Abaco takes you to Hope Town, the perfect weekend getaway. Mark’s family, regular visitors to the Abaco Islands, includes Bella, the Neubauer’s Golden Doodle pup who Mark proudly says is a “true fly dog.” Bella travels with Mark and the family as they enjoy their island vacations, as pets are always welcome on Air Unlimited’s flights.
When Mark is not flying, he loves to exercise, listen to modern country music, and unwind from a day in the air by spending quality time with friends and family. Having previously owned a cottage in Ontario, Canada, Mark’s more recent adventures to the islands are a warm tropical change to the summers he used to spend in the Canadian countryside. He now considers his favorite vacation to be a relaxed trip to his house in Hope Town with his entire family –including Bella the Golden Doodle, of course!
Always looking for the next adventure, Mark’s dream destination is simply anywhere he hasn’t already flown to. “As long as I’m safe and capable, I’ll continue to fly,” says Neubauer. “Flying is a magic carpet that brings both family and friends together, and I love sharing that joy with our Air Unlimited customers along the way!”