Sea turtle nesting season goes through the end of October, so travelers booking an upcoming flight to the Abaco Islands should know what to do if they encounter a nest during their trip. With sea turtles officially listed as an endangered species, it’s critical that they are treated with caution by locals and tourists alike. Air Unlimited can share with you what you need to know about these spectacular creatures and how you can help protect them, not only during nesting season but year-round.
While visiting the Abaco Islands, you may choose to go snorkeling in the tropical reefs, where you may spot a sea turtle enjoying the clear waters of the Bahamas. As exciting as it is to swim alongside a sea turtle, refrain from touching them or interfering with their habitat. Instead, take in this amazing experience from a distance and keep an eye out for their paddle-shaped flippers, large shells and marked colorings, which are unique to each sea turtle species.
When strolling along the sandy beaches during nesting season, there is the chance of coming across sea turtle eggs. Touching the eggs could be harmful to the turtles, so stay back from the nest to avoid accidentally disrupting it. If you see the mother nearby, stand still and allow her to travel easily around her nest. At nighttime, any artificial light, such as a phone, camera or flashlight could confuse the turtles from following the natural moonlighting, so be prepared to embrace the dark around a nesting space. If you have the once-in-a-lifetime experience to encounter the eggs while they are hatching, walk carefully in the sand to avoid stepping on the baby turtles, as they journey toward the sea. These tiny turtles will be working their way to the waves, where they can take their very first swim.
We hope you have the opportunity to see these beautiful creatures during your next trip to the islands. Not only are they majestic, but they are also vital to the health of the oceans. Sea turtles graze on seagrass and jellyfish populations, control sponge distribution and transport nutrients across the water.
Whether its nesting season or not, taking a flight to the Abaco Islands is the first step toward your chance of enjoying these wild animals, and Air Unlimited is here to get you there! Book your flight today either online or by calling us at (407) 585-4300.